Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Guess who snagged a job?

Me, me, me!
It's nothing fancy, the pay's not particularly extravagant, but it's going to be hella interesting.

I'm going to be working as an interpreter for the Reading Hospital & Medical Center (in Reading, PA), about an hour from my house in Allentown. I've always wanted to work in a foreign language-related field, so when I saw the position online, I figured it was worth a shot. Ultimately, what I want to do is travel the world and interpret for Physicians for Human Rights or perhaps Doctors Without Borders, but you don't score jobs with them at entry-level of course.

For now, the position available is "temporary," for the next few weeks until a permanent position opens up, but the supervisor loves me and everyone there is mad nice. I was super-nervous at the interview last week, since I'd never done on-the-spot interpreting before, but it turned out not bad at all, even with the relative rustiness of my Spanish. If I continue with this job I also get an exclusive inside look at the inner workings of every nook and cranny in the hospital that involves patients. Like med school, minus the tuition payments, and without having to limit yourself to one field (0h, and I guess without getting a diploma, either, but you can't have everything now ;) ).